Are you tired of getting bogged down in the busywork of your business?

You have a deep sense of purpose, of why you were put on this earth, but the day-to-day feels like just a bunch of distractions that are holding you back from what you’ve actually been called to do.

You’re kind of a big deal. People look to you to solve problems, and not just minor issues, but big, scary problems that affect, well, everyone. You have a clear vision for making a big impact, but there’s just so much to do to get there.

The tech, the planning, the strategy, running a team. It all feels like it’s just getting in the way of what you’ve been called to do.

This isn’t what you signed up for.

Wouldn’t it be great to have someone to come alongside to be a strategist, a partner, and a high-level thinker who can take all of that off of your plate so you can get back to what’s important, creating the impact that you were made for?

You’re right where you’re supposed to be, because that’s where I come in.


Hi! I’m Indira and I help leading visionaries and changemakers take the busywork off their plates so they can make the world profoundly better. 

I’m a certified Online Business Manager (OBM), Integrator, and Business Strategist and I partner with passionate 7-figure business owners, just like you, that are working for the collective good of all.  I help you create freedom in your business so you can focus on the deep work that needs to get done.

5 Facts About Me:

  • I believe, like Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
  • I pride myself in having a growth mindset, love reading personal development books, and in 2019 became a Board Certified NLP Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, EFT Practitioner and Life and Success Coach.
  • I’m a mom to an amazing Leo boy and a fiercely loyal Sagittarius dog.
  • I’m a feminist and proud member of the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities and vehemently committed to social justice issues, politics, and the 14th Amendment.

Meet The Team

Hi I’m Priscilla, Indira’s partner in life and business. My favorite thing to do is to untangle the giant messes in your business and turn them into smooth processes that work for you.

My superpower is creating organization where there was once chaos.

Let’s uncover what’s weighing you down, create better systems, implement your strategies, and get you living the life you dreamed of when you first started your business.

5Facts About Me:

  • There is at least one piece of furniture that I have built in every room in my home thanks to YouTube tutorials.
  • I am a mom to a bad-ass Leo girl.
  • I am hooked on watching True Crime episodes.
  • I love decluttering and finding a place for everything.
  • I am a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner.

Operations Project Manager

CCO “Chief Canine Officer”

Hi, I’m Woody. I’m a pure mutt who adopted my mom when she came to visit a no-kill shelter on February 5th, 2009. I provide security surveillance services by alerting the team anytime there’s a knock on the door. I keep my humans safe so they can focus on doing awesome work.

5 Facts About Me:

  • I adopted my mom when I was 9 weeks old.
  • For me, hard work means spending the majority of the time sleeping under my mom’s desk.
  • Flies and mosquitoes are my mortal enemies.
  • I love spending time in the woods and the mountains.
  • I was present at my human brother’s home water birth and got to lick him as soon as he was born.

Mission + Core Values

At Mindfully Virtual™, OUR MISSION is to support visionaries and changemakers who are actively disrupting the system, working towards systemic change, and passionately doing meaningful work for the greater good all of humanity.

We adhere to an unwavering commitment to our ​𝐒𝐈𝐗 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐒:


We believe that when we choose to be grateful for everything we have we’re able to match the vibration and frequency to the right people at the right time to propel us forward in our mission to support those who are doing meaningful work for all of humanity.


We believe doing things with integrity is not optional or situational. For us, this means doing what’s right even when it’s difficult. Because integrity is the foundation of good leadership, demonstrating this value is integral to gaining the trust of our clients and team. 


We are intentional in partnering with clients who are doing transformational work that is of service for the collective good of all. We believe we have the power to co-create with The Universe and choose to align with business owners whose mission is to improve the lives of their clients so they can make our world a better place.


We are committed to continuous improvement. We view failure as feedback and as a necessary stepping stone towards success. We believe that in order to become the best version of ourselves we must get comfortable with being uncomfortable.


We believe that money, like everything else, is energy. We choose to use it as a tool for good by donating a portion of our profits to organizations and causes that are driven by the principles of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.)


We maintain an open mind and accept that we are sometimes wrong or uninformed. We admit our mistakes and hold ourselves accountable, taking ownership of the repercussions and committing to do better.


Ready to get started?